Promoting the tradition of “When drinking water, remember its source” and “Repaying gratitude” on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27, 1947 – July 27, 2024), on July 26, 2024, TLM Youth Union members participated in the flower offering ceremony, burning incense to commemorate, deeply express gratitude and honor generations of fathers, heroes and martyrs and individuals who have devoted and sacrificed for the cause of fighting for independence and building the country at the City Martyrs Cemetery, Long Binh Ward, Thu Duc City.

This is not only a holiday, but also an opportunity for each of us to express our respect and deep gratitude to those who sacrificed their blood and bones for the peace and freedom of the nation, for today’s prosperous and happy life. The heroic martyrs, wounded and sick soldiers – they are the shining symbols of the will and strength of great solidarity, contributing to writing the value of peace, of freedom, writing the heroic history of the nation. Let each of us follow and know how to surpass ourselves, through specific and practical actions with a high sense of responsibility, be proactive and creative in implementing more practical activities for the unit and for the homeland to contribute to building a beautiful and peaceful Vietnam.




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