On May 16, 2024, the Party Cell of Thang Long Maritime Joint Stock Company solemnly held a ceremony to admit new Party members for the elite citizen Nguyen Thi Huyen according to Decision No. 60-QD/DUVTDK dated April 23/ 2024 of the Party. Committee of Petroleum Transportation Joint Stock Corporation. This is an important event in Party building work, contributing to consolidating and improving the quality of grassroots Party organizations and party members in the spirit of the 13th Party Congress.

The admission ceremony took place in a solemn atmosphere, following the order and procedures of the Party Charter under the chairmanship of comrade Phan Cong – Secretary of the Party cell and numerous party members in the Party cell.

All party members salute the flag before starting the ceremony to admit new party members

To honorably stand in the ranks of the Party, comrade Nguyen Thi Huyen, under the direction of the Party Cell of Thang Long Maritime Joint Stock Company, has constantly strived and practiced in the process of studying and practicing ethics. according to the Party’s ideals and principles. The Communist Party of Vietnam takes Ho Chi Minh’s ideology as a guideline for all actions. As new Party members, comrades are more aware of their responsibilities towards family, society and the Company. This is an event that marks a turning point for young party member Nguyen Thi Huyen.

At the ceremony, comrade Phan Cong, Party cell secretary, handed over the decision to admit and assign tasks to new party members, and at the same time assigned official party members in the cell to continue helping, comrade Nguyen Thi Huyen. during mission performance. Preparation time 12 months.

Comrade Nguyen Thi Huyen received the decision to admit party members
Comrade Nguyen Thi Huyen read the oath

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